
会社人生(life of company)




   / 人員配置; staff assignment

   / 人事異動; internal transfer,  personal shuffle
     ・ 転勤; relocation
     ・ 出向; temporary transfer

   / 昇進; promotion
     ・ 昇進する; be promoted

   / 左遷; demotion

   / 降格; demotion

   / 肩書; title,  position

   / 上司; boss,  superior

   / 同僚; colleague

   / 部下; subordinate

   / 前任者; predecessor
     ・ 後任者; successor

   / 辞表; letter of resignation
     ・ 辞表を提出する; submit one’s resignation
     ・  辞表を撤回する; withdraw one’s resignation

   / 引き抜き; headhunting

   / 転職; career change
     ・ 転職する; change jobs  (”change” の後は複数形に注意)

   / 人材銀行; job placement agency

   / 再就職のあっせん; outplacement

   / 定年; mandatory retirement age

   / 定年退職; mandatory retirement

   / 早期退職; early retirement

   / 希望退職; voluntary retirement

   / リストラ; restructuring

   / 吸収合併; merger
    ・ M & A; mergers and acquisition (合併吸収)

   / 自宅待機; layoff

   / 解雇; termination,   dismissal
    ・ 指名解雇; nomination
    ・ 不当解雇; unfair discharge
    ・ 解雇する; get fired

   / 倒産; bankruptcy,  insolvency
    ・ 破産宣告; adjudication of bankruptcy
    ・ 破産管財人; bankruptcy trustee



/ She was promoted on her own merit.

/ He was demoted to manager of a local office.

/ Who do you work for?

/ I was at a loss when may right-hand person was headhunted.

/ HIs company went bankrupt.


これを英語で言えますか?  講談社インターナショナル編  講談社インターナショナル2000年

